The variables
The following
variables are currently available in the case-match menu:
Recommended by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Development
Conference (ref 1) and the International Consensus Panel on the Treatment of
Primary Breast Cancer (ref 2)
Axillary lymph node status
Age at diagnosis
Tumour size
Histologic type
Histologic grade
Estrogen receptor status
Progesterone receptor status
In addition, the following variables have been added:
erbB2 (HER-2) expression
Method of tumour detection
Adjuvant therapy
1. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference statement:
adjuvant therapy for breast cancer, November 1-3, 2000. J Natl Cancer Inst
Monogr 2001;30:5-15.
2. Goldhirsch A, Glick JH, Gelber RD, Coates AS, Senn HJ. Meeting highlights:
International Consensus Panel on the Treatment of Primary Breast Cancer. Seventh
International Conference on Adjuvant Therapy of Primary Breast Cancer. J Clin
Oncol 2001;19(18):3817-27.